
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jelly Belly Buddies

Who doesn't love Halloween? It's always fun to go trick-or-treating and see everyone's costumes. All of the little kids seem to be superheroes or princesses, but what's the fun in that? I have decided that I want to be more creative and out-of-the-ordinary with my halloween costumes. It seems like I am always waiting until October to decide what I want to dress up as at the end of the month, so I can be a little bit rushed. But, last year, I found a very cute jellybean costume idea online and it was super easy to make! My friends and I had already decided that we wanted to be something together. Everyone likes jellybeans, right? This was perfect and we ended up putting our own spin on it. When we were out trick-or-treating, a lot of people did not know what we were at first, but once they read our costume (or we explained it to them) we got a lot of compliments!

By the way, it is very hard to sit down because you might pop the balloons. Also, if you do go trick-or-treating in this costume, be careful around trees and crowds of people.

Again, this costume is pretty easy to make. Looking back on it, it probably took us around 15 minutes when we were all working on our own.

Materials for Crafting:
Colorful Balloons - We used regular-sized balloons and only blew them up enough to make them round. Water balloons would work too, we were just in a pinch and couldn't find any.
Clear Trash Bags - Make sure they are big enough to cover the top half of your body. The clearer the bag is, the better you can see the balloons (obviously!).
Ribbon - The ribbon is supposed to be used to tie the bag at the top, but we used it for our hair too.
Permanent Marker - We were originally planning on making a sign with the Jelly Belly logo, but, again, we ran out of time, so we used a Sharpie and wrote directly on the bag. I suggest writing in large, thick letters so people can read it easier.

Have fun!

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