
About Me

Hi, my name is Claire Rogers and here's a little bit about me!

I'm originally an Arizona kid, but I live in Park City, Utah now. I have officially lived my half of my life in both places. Cool huh? 

There are four people in my family: my mom, my dad, and my younger sister, Carley. We have two cats named Ree and Gracie. Ree will eat ANYTHING and Gracie is scared of me. We may sound like an average family, but trust me, we're not. 

I've played soccer for what seems like forever. I have played through recreation programs, Park City Soccer Club, Impact United Soccer Club, and Park City High School. I am currently a Miner on the PCHS Girl's Soccer Team and will be moving back down to Impact after the fall season is over. I started volleyball last year on Club Elevate too and it's really fun! I love all of my teammates from both sports and I have to say, we're pretty darn good! 

Things I love:
- soccer
- volleyball
- my buddies (some of their blogs are included on the side tab)
- big roller coasters
- Christmas
- classic Disney movies & shows
- food
- getting unique gifts
- being clever
- pictures (only if I look good)

Things I hate:
- scary movies
- waking up early
- long distance running
- Mondays
- unnecessary swearing
- bad spellers
- homework
- headaches

I've always been someone who was looked at as "creative," but I'm not good at drawing or painting or anything like that. Even though I'm not the best artist, but I can keep things neat, so things I make aren't that bad. In my mind, if you can make a better version of something than you can buy, why not? The same goes with food. You can do so much more when you homemake things and you can make it just the way YOU want. I have found, and will continue looking for, a lot of recipes and crafts, some of which I have done, others I still want to do. This is what inspired my blog and hopefully it will inspire all of you to do the same! 

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