
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sweet and Salty = HEAVEN

In my last post, I promised that I would find a super yummy recipe for this week's post and I did! I was browsing my pins on Pinterest and found a recipe for Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel Cookie Bars. Does that sound scrumptious or what? Also, I just got my braces off after having them for two years and wasn't supposed to eat caramel while I had them (I did anyways), so it was perfect! They turned out to be WAY better than I thought they would, which is saying a lot. Seriously, they are like heaven in bar form. If I could marry them, I would.

Here's is how to make them so you can have some heaven of your own!

Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel Cookie Bars

You will need:
2 1/8 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
12 Tbsp butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
2 tsp vanilla
2 cups chocolate chips (1 bag)
10 oz caramel candy squares
3 Tbsp heavy cream
sea salt

This first step seems a little bit out of order, but trust me, it's the smart way to go. Measure your butter and put it in the microwave until it is completely melted. Take it out and let it cool to room temperature. While doing this, I had a Claire moment and forgot to cover the butter in the microwave. Let's just say a stick and a half of butter went to waste and the mess took me at least ten minutes to clean up. Good job Claire. To avoid this, MAKE SURE you don't forget to cover up the butter or it will pop all over the microwave. It's not fun. Trust me.

In a medium bowl (if using an electric mixer, don't use that bowl), combine the flour, salt and baking soda and set aside.

In a large bowl (this can be the mixer's bowl), combine the melted butter and both sugars and mix well. Add the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla. You should have one egg white and two yolks. Make sense? To separate the egg, crack it and over a bowl, switch the yolk in between the two halves of the egg shell until you no longer have any egg white.

Next, slowly add the dry ingredients and the chocolate chips to the mixture.

In a microwave-save bowl, combine the caramels (UNWRAPPED!) and heavy cream. Heat it in the microwave until it is melted. If you stir it every twenty seconds or so it works well and takes only around two minutes. 

Either before or while melting the caramel, take around half of the cookie dough and press it into the bottom of a greased 13x9 inch pan, just like you do with the sugar cookie bars

Once the caramel is smooth and melted, pour it over the cookie dough while it is hot and sprinkle it with sea salt. Press the remaining cookie dough on the top and sprinkle with sea salt again. I made little balls of dough and squished them for the top layer so I didn't get caramel everywhere. This ended up working well. 

Bake for about twenty-five minutes at 325ºF. Let them cool before cutting and then EAT THEM ALL UP!


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