
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sticky and Scrumptious

In the past few months, I've had some requests for Marshmallow Caramel Popcorn, so here you go! 

Once or twice a year, my whole soccer team goes to a teammate's cabin for a fun weekend together. One of my teammates, Lily, always brings this popcorn and we all LOVE it. Take it from me, once you have one tiny piece, within minutes, you will have a nice, ooey, gooey handful of this delicious popcorn. She brings a huge bowl full of it, which always ends up completely empty before the trip is even over. The recipe that I found is not the same recipe, but it still tastes DELISH! I mean, who doesn't like popcorn, especially when it's covered in sugary goodness?

Here's how you make the popcorn, it's super easy and takes almost no time at all!



23 large marshmallows - Honestly, I have no idea why it has to be twenty three...
2 cups brown sugar
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 packages of microwave popcorn

1 large bowl
1 large pot

First, you need to pop the popcorn. Easy enough, right? Obviously, I don't make popcorn too often (AT ALL!) and burnt it. Whoops! Some parts were literally charred black, but don't worry, I took those parts out!

Now it's time for the good part. Melt your TWENTY THREE marshmallows, brown sugar, corn syrup, butter and vanilla in a pot on medium-low heat and stir. It seems kind of pointless to stir at the beginning, but eventually it will be important so you won't burn it. That would truly stink if you burned the popcorn, like me, and the caramel!


Keep stirring...


Almost done...


Woo hoo!

As you can see, I got a little bit tired of stirring.

Once your marshmallow mixture is completely melty and gooey, pour it over the popcorn, which should be in your large bowl.

Now all you have to do is spread the caramel throughout the popcorn. Being brilliant and all, I thought it would be easier to coat the popcorn with my hands. Sometimes I wonder where I get these ideas from. Let's just say... IT WAS SO HOT! Bad idea Claire. Instead, stir the popcorn with a spoon.

And that's that! I hope you have fun making (and eating, of course) your marshmallow caramel popcorn!

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