
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fabulous Fudge in Five Minutes

Well, something is definitely wrong with me because the other day I craved a salad. I'm pretty sure that's never happened in my entire life. The good news is, right after I started craving chocolate, so it looks like I'm back to normal.

The only chocolate we really had in the house was Girl Scout Cookies, but not any of my favorites. We have a few boxes left in our pantry, but they're those kind of cookies that you order because you like them, not because they're your favorite. That means, we don't have any Thin Mints or Samoas left, so Girl Scout Cookies were out. 

My next idea was to make fudge, but not just any normal fudge. In seventh grade FACS, we learned how to make fudge in the microwave. I know, it sounds gross, right? WRONG. It is a chocolate lover's perfect fast snack. Plus, it's just about the easiest recipe ever.

Here's how to make it.

Microwave Fudge

You will need:
3 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup butter
2 teaspoons vanilla
a large, microwave-safe bowl (make sure it fits in your microwave)

We didn't have enough powdered sugar, so I had to cut the recipe in half. There will usually be more fudge, don't worry.  :)

Combine the powdered sugar and cocoa powder in the large bowl and mix well.

Add the stick of butter and evaporated milk, but DO NOT MIX! To open the evaporated milk can, use a can opener to poke a large hole and a small hole directly across from it. Pour out of the large hole. The small hole prevents bubbling. Also, don't get a big can of milk unless you plan on using it for other things because you do't need that much.

Put the bowl in microwave for 2 1/2 minutes or until the butter is completely melted. Be careful, though, it is easy to burn it if you cook it too long.

Stir all of the ingredients together.

Add the vanilla and stir again. Make sure you get all of the lumps out of it. It will taste better later on. If it seems dry, you can add a little bit more milk.

Technically, you could eat the fudge now, but it is probably really warm. Place the fudge on a cookie sheet and spread it out with either a spatula or your hands. I recommended using wax paper for easier clean up! I also used the wax paper to shape it better.

Place the entire pan in the refrigerator for ten minutes or more until it is firm.

Cut the fudge into squares and enjoy!

This fudge was literally gone in less than two days in my house. I'm not kidding when I say it's delicious!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Hey y'all! I am in such an great mood right now. This warm weather is amazing! Today is such a nice day. The sun is out, it's nice and warm and spring is in the air. Really, the best word to describe it is just "awwwwwwwww...."

However, one word to describe earlier today would be "STRESSFUL." Yes, in all caps. A Biology test and math test to start off the day wasn't the greatest, especially because they were harder than usual. I'm glad it's over with, though. Whew! I do have a Geography test tomorrow too, but that should be a piece of cake. Let's hope.

The good news about having tests is no homework! This means that I had time to do a fun craft for this blog! As soon as I got home, I went right out to my deck and just sat there. It felt SO good! That was when I decided to do this craft outside. It needs very little supplies and a flat workspace, so why not?

I found this craft on Brit+Co, just like everything these days, it seems like. This is because I found so many things when I was browsing the blog one day. While I was browsing, this project looked easy and very fun, so I thought I would try it! I decided to make a pillow case because it was similar to what they did, but I'm sure you could try whatever you want. It's supposed to look like you decorated with watercolors, but it's really just Sharpies and rubbing alcohol. Neat huh?

Here is how to make it:

"Watercolor" Pillow Case

You will need:
something to decorate (i.e. pillowcase, throw pillow, shirt, etc.)
rubbing alcohol
cotton swabs

The first step is to prewash your item of choice. My pillowcase was just an extra that we rarely use, so I didn't have to wash it because it already had been before. You probably don't need to wash a pillow if you are drawing directly on that, but if you are using something like a shirt or a NEW pillowcase, wash it so the dye will sink it better. 

Next, plan out your design and draw it on the pillowcase with the Sharpies in the color(s) of your choice. I went with rainbow dots on the edge of the pillowcase. I like to keep things simple because if I really want to, I can always go back and add more, but can't take anything away. 

Once you are completely done drawing, take a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol and dab, then rub, it on the Sharpie designs. This will blend the colors together and give it sort of a glow or aura. It doesn't completely blend everything, so keep that in mind when drawing. By the way, the bigger your design is, the more rubbing alcohol you will need to use and that will probably smell bad. Too much rubbing alcohol can make me feel sick. Bleh!

After you have blended everything, pop your creation in the dryer for a little while. This will let the dye sink in more, and of course, dry it! Mine took the awful smell out too, but that could have just been because I didn't use a lot of alcohol. 

And you're done! Easy right?

I really like how it turned out!

When I was looking at Brit+Co's tutorial, I clicked on the link to another blog, which showed how to make an ombre pillow using this technique. I really wanted to try this, until I read what happened. All she did was scribble a color in different intensities on a piece of fabric and put it in a bathtub with rubbing alcohol. First, that had to give her a headache. Second, she said it dyed her entire bathtub purple! I don't know why she needed to use a bathtub, though. I bet you could just dip it in a bucket and it would work. If you decide to try this, let me know how it goes!

Now go be creative!